In order to compete for a place on the internet, websites must be designed in a way so that it is easy for visitors to find what they are looking for; information on the website must be easy to read, web navigation must be easy to understand, etc. All these requirements are listed under the web usability topic.
Web usability can be defined as a quality attribute that shows how easy it is to use a website. Following web usability tips while designing a website will help you make your website easy for visitors to find the information they need.
There are many companies around the world that spend huge amounts of money on web usability tests and research, which can be very expensive, but for small companies or individual websites usability can be achieved without the expensive tests and researches, it can be done simply by reading usability articles which gives a lot information and useful tips about web usability.
- Learnability: How easy is it for users to accomplish basic tasks the first time they encounter the design?
- Efficiency: Once users have learned the design, how quickly can they perform tasks?
- Memorability: When users return to the design after a period of not using it, how easily can they reestablish proficiency?
- Errors: How many errors do users make, how severe are these errors, and how easily can they recover from the errors?
- Satisfaction: How pleasant is it to use the design?
We can find a lot of web usability tips on the internet, but we the tips listed below can be classified as the main ones:
- Clear and simple navigation system:
According to Jakob Nielsen, web usability guru, navigation system should answer three questions:
1. Where am I?
2. Where have I been?
3. Where can I go?
The use of site maps is always good idea, because it improves web page navigation and also search engine optimization. Site maps are a structural representation of a website’s pages and architecture.
- Clear and simple content:
Visitors can be attracted by using a good and eye-catching website design, but the quality of the content if what keeps your visitors on the website. When filling website with information, search engines must be kept in mind. In order to make it easier to find a website on search engines all important information must be listed towards the top of the page.
Website content must be easy to read. According to usability tests, the majority of users do not read web pages, they scan them, by looking for titles, bold, emphasized text or lists.
Usability studies conducted by Jakob Nielsen show that users read content that resembles an F shape, meaning that the reading starts from the upper left of the web page, next it moves down a little starting from the left again.Nielsen also states the implications of this reading pattern:
Users won’t read a web page content word by word, they will extract important paragraphs, bold text, etc.
The first two paragraphs are essential on a web page. These must contain the most important information that your visitors are looking for.
Sub headings and lists stands out from the regular paragraphs. Use these elements to notify users on important information.
- Clear and simple layout
Too much graphics, effects and other design elements is bad for a website. For example use of Javascrip or Ajax can be a good way to create a website that looks professional, but if we overuse it, the website can look ‘childish.’
Website design is also very important criteria when considering web usability. In order to have a successful website it is not necessary to win various web design awards. Website design should be created by having the target audience in mind, and portray a positive and professional design.
Although web design is a hard part for most website owners, there are a lot of free professional templates to use. Some templates that can be used for blogspot blogs can be found at,,, and many others.
With all new technologies there is a cost. In this case the cost is browser inconsistency. Not every user has an up-to-date web browser and as a result some visitors will not be able to see web effects or information which is presented by using Javascript or Ajax. Also some fancy website designs will not work with old browsers. For this reason each website should be tested before it is launched.
Through clear and simple layout we also have in mind valid website code. Website should be tested by validator – it will help to find errors that can cause problems to website visitors. A good website validator can be found here:
More usability tips can be found here:
Jakob Nielsen “Usability 101: Introduction to Usability” (